During this first lesson students are watching clips of videos that talk about Picasso and his work. They are examining a power point of many of Picasso's depictions of guitars. I brought my own guitar in and we are isolating specif shapes we see and then ultimately putting them back together to make a cubist drawing of guitars.

The next time I see the students we are going to begin to construct our 3D guitars. I have
Finally we are then going to explore collage. Just like Picasso used newspaper, brown paper, and music sheets we are going collage our Picasso guitars. I can't wait to get students working on these.
I am going to post a step by step soon of how I made the structure. Hopefully I will have some student work to post soon!
I really like the 3-d element of the guitar. I Look forward to seeing the finished products. Welcome to the community of art ed bloggers ;)